What is a Life Well Lived?

Since we were very young we were constantly reminded that we are meant to live life to the full. Recently I have been questioning myself about what this really means. What is a life well lived? What is a life lived to the full?
My conclusion is that a life well lived is a life where my truth acts through me in every situation, because most of the time it doesn’t. My truth can’t act through me if I react with anger, self pity or jealousy. It can only come through if when I see a negative situation coming towards me, I am able to see the anger rising inside me and instead of letting the anger use me to express itself, I relax, breathe, and open myself for my heart to act. I want my life to be a series of right actions not a barrage of mindless reactions. Another way I understand living fully is to not get lost in the world of thoughts and daydreams. My mind drifts and is always ready to jump on the first bandwagon it meets; I replay conversations, evaluate different endings to movies, wonder about the future and so forth and because of this I am lost to the beautiful sunset outside my kitchen window. So I remind myself to breathe, look around and take the world in...like I used to when I was a child. When I remember to do this, that moment remains with me forever. A life well lived is made up of a string of such moments; moments when we are there in the hugs we give, in the words we say and in the actions we take. Things of beauty help; a beautiful song, poem, nature or a dress which makes you feel like anything is possible. In these moments I feel happy, my senses lighten up, something inside me relaxes, opens up and for that moment I am truly alive.