What I Love about My Job-Purpose and what we Love.

Some time ago I did a personality test and the accuracy was staggering. It called me the Peacemaker and my main characteristics as 'The Easygoing, Self-Effacing, Receptive, Reassuring Agreeable, and Complacent.' The thing is I love harmony. I love peace, quiet, happy people who feel loved and cared for. I love making people happy and this is where my job hits the target. I receive messages from lovely smiling faces which often end up in banter and a good laugh. I have made so many connections and have strong caring feelings for women, some of whom I have never met. Women I get to serve. I get to get these women dresses and if it's the right dress, then it is great. So I want it to be the right dress to make this woman happy and I'm always very quick to act if it isn't to reassure her that she is safe and cared for and we'll get another size or give her her hard-earned money back. And this part I love as well. The part where I get to show women that the world is reliable. It keeps its word and is not a nasty place that is there to get you. Given the nature of my character, it was easy to get conned throughout the years and one gets to become weary of the world. Then when I can show a woman that honesty exists I feel I'm planting a bit of magic. In a way, it's my way of making this place a little better. Safia serves me as my means of income, but I serve women, simply because it makes me happy. Some years ago I went to a seminar and as the teacher saw me scurrying about doing things for everybody she remarked that my Arab heritage made me servile. I had not appreciated that comment back then thinking that she meant I was weak and meek but nowadays I don't mind it. Serving is the greatest show of love. We do it for our children every day. We do it for our lovers, for our parents, for our friends and I get to do it for beautiful women, some of whom I may never meet...in person.