The Simple Things that make all the Difference.

I am a mother of two lovely kids. An 11-year old, budding lady and a cuddly, mischievous 8-year-old boy. Together they occupy most of my day. Mothering is my real full-time job. It is amazing the sense of duty one has towards one's children. It is a raw pull to see to their well being in any way possible to you and with any tool in your repertoire. I have a tendency of overdoing things so some months ago, being home all the time due to COVID I organized a timetable full of activities for the kids. The aim was to avoid screen time and keep them busy in a healthy way. It was all well and good for the first few days. Then one day I heard my daughter whispering to her brother. 'Let's pretend to be busy cause otherwise, mum will force us to do crafts!' That was a total shock but such a great eye-opener. I am now learning not to plan. I am learning to let the moment dictate what needs to be done. To let a deeper wisdom guide me. I am a doer by nature, so I am learning to trust something more intelligent than me to take care of things and by doing that I am witnessing miraculous possibilities I could have never have fathomed or orchestrated with my little mind. This is something I am doing in all aspects of my life, including Safia. I am tending to it lovingly but then I hand it over to the infinite intelligence who knows what to do with and where to take it. My job is to trust and I do this by relaxing, opening my heart, and knowing that everything is taken care of.