The Journey of a Lifetime.

It was one of those freak offers that come twice in a lifetime. The strange occurrences of extended hands that if accepted nothing will ever be the same. My exotic Moroccan friend asked me to go with her on a one month trip to Dubai and after much deliberation, I accepted. The month was a roller coaster of events and once back I was changed. I had just broken up from a four-year relationship and all of my friends had moved away or were part of a couple. I knew that I would be alone but I made a firm decision that I would be happy. Then followed the most beautiful year of my life. My life turned inside out. What I mean with this is that it was very uneventful on the outside. What I did was basically go to work, read, listen to music, and have pizza with friends on the weekend. But on the inside...A proliferating, exotic jungle started growing. I started really being happy, insanely joyful, peaceful, and connected. Food was an insane journey that took me to distant countries and the people who contributed to it. It was an explosion in the palate and every little grape or nut found its place within me. Everything became a ritual. Walking, breathing, seeing. I remember sitting on the bus and thinking shall I read my book or switch on my senses and when I did the latter, the world came to life. Each tree was its own self, each movement was enticing, every smell a story. It was exhilarating. It was like being in love but there was only me. Only me and everything else. This is when I started experimenting with clothes. I wanted to wear my inner freedom on the outside.
Wearing clothes became an experience. I was aware of how a dress would hug my chest, brush against my legs, and how it moved in space with me like a loving embrace that held the mass of energy that was my body. That period of heightened sensibility diminished in intensity after a year, but its taste in me is indelible. It inspires me to strive for a fuller life and has transformed my idea of love. It is an experience that colors my view of Safia. I see the dresses at Safia as dresses that can contain a woman in love because though it is true that it is the woman that makes the dress, it is also true that the dress has to be worthy of the woman.