My Journey to Safia.

Teaching comes naturally to me. I always loved it and always knew it was what I wanted to do. So at 18, I started working as a Special Needs Educator and I loved it. Twenty years down the line, after many adventures, bonds made and lessons learned, I started looking around me and evaluating my life. I don't know if you have ever been through something similar but I had the clear vision that if I didn't do something drastic the next twenty years would be exactly like the ones I had just lived. If I kept doing what I had been doing I would keep getting what I had gotten so far, right?! I was sure of it and so an urgency for change in career welled up inside me and I waited for the right opportunity. I knew I wanted something which would allow me to travel, be creative, and have more time for family.
A couple of months later I had an invite to Istanbul to visit friends. I immediately fell in love with the beautiful, heartwarming people and the unique bustling metropolis. One afternoon as I was walking down the narrow whimsical lanes of Galata, mesmerized by the mystical music and vibrant artistic atmosphere, I suddenly stopped rooted in my tracks. I stood transfixed in front of a shop window. Inside it were exquisitely designed dresses in beautifully colored fabrics. What I did next is very atypical of my character and I still do not understand where it came from. I walked up to the pretty salesgirl and asked to see the manager. A good looking, bubbly woman walked to me. Her name was Deniz. Little did I know that that would be the beginning of a great friendship. 'Do you do wholesale?' I asked. The rest is history, or the story of a journey made of tentative baby steps, a great love for these beautiful unique dresses, and a desire to cut loose from a life that felt scripted and start writing my own story. A story told through artistic, unique designs, beautiful natural fabrics, and the promise of an eastern adventure.
Bringing these Oriental treasures has now become my new passion. Safia is not just about the is about connecting with beautiful women, women who I get to meet every day. It is about the love of beauty and how together we can learn to live our beauty inside and out.